Monday, August 30, 2010

Software Patch Management To Lighten The Load

With some much new technology out in the world, it just makes sense that there is an equal amount repairs needed done. Software patch management helps programs adapt to the quickly changing technological world. More often than not they can be set to run on their own whether the computer is being used or not. This rarely affects the computers ability to process things.


This could be done manually. Nobody really has the time or money to pay a person to sit there and repeatedly click buttons on a multitude of computers. You would almost have to hire an extra staff just to handle all of the work. By using the built in settings to have the program do this automatically, you can save a bundle.


Another problem with manual installation of patches is that some require human interaction to respond. The worker who is having their computer serviced has to wait as the IT technician waits on the patch prompts. This can all be done through scripting. Any prompts that the patch may ask for can be responded to without interaction. This way, two people are not wasting their time. There are many programs to select from. This selection process should be directed at fitting your business needs. Many programs have different features and those are what should be looked at. You want a software that is customizable to your needs as well as easy to use and maintain.


Managing patches is one of the many ways to protect your systems from malicious intruders. Hackers are able to get past firewalls and security if one terminal on the network is compromised. This can be an easy fix as long as the patches are maintained. If your computers are not properly protected, viruses are only minor problem people and companies have to worry about. Hackers can steal company secrets, employee information, personal information. This can lead to loss of sales and profits and possibly identity theft. These attacks can be prevented and stopped by continually checking the terminals on your network. If one fails to meet the patch update standards then it will be immediately patched. This means that the opening that was left for the hacker is no longer open and the system is once again protected. The best part about software patch management is that it is done almost completely without your knowledge, and without interfering with an employees workload. Just like with many updates, in order for it to take effect occasionally the computer may have to be turned off and then on again. Of course, the system would never automatically turn itself off without some sort of warning. That would partially defeat the purpose of the software.

Friday, August 27, 2010

MSP Software Can Automate Your Network Monitoring Activities

One of the most important programs at the disposal of managed service providers today is known as MSP software. This type of software is specifically designed to assist network managers with the monitoring and managing of networks. These programs can help network managers assess the efficiency of an entire network, but it can also help network managers assess the efficiency of individual devices and programs within a network as well.


Due to the extraordinary demands that are commonly placed on network managers today, this software can be very useful when you need to relieve some of the burdens you are currently facing as a network manager. Network managers often face many difficulties, especially when they are managing multiple networks. If you are having trouble keeping up with the demands of your customers, you will definitely find the services and tools that are provided by MSP software to not only improve the quality of the services you provide to your customers, but you will also find that this software makes it easier for you to efficiently service the needs of your customers.


Network managers find this type of software to be incredibly useful, because it can provide an abundance of detailed information about a network's activities. Whether network managers need to assess the efficiency of individual devices within a network, or they need to assess a network's overall efficiency, they can easily do so by reviewing the information that is provided by this type of program.


By using MSP software, you can access information that will reveal the primary problems that are causing difficulties to arise within your network. Whether you need to access information about individual computers in a network, or you need to simply assess the overall efficiency of an entire network, this type of software can provide the information and tools you need to assess problems and find the source of problems quickly.


In fact, this software can make the process of improving the efficiency of a network incredibly easy to handle for network managers. This software makes the process of managing multiple networks easy to handle, because it can automate the entire process. MSP software can automate the task of managing a network, because it can provide alerts when a serious problem is arising within a network. By being informed about the problems that are arising within a network, network managers can fix the problems before they cause any communication disruptions within a network.


Network managers rely on all of these features, but one of the most useful features provided by this type of software is the remote access capability. This remote access capability allows network managers to access devices without actually being physically present at the location the devices reside in. By being able to remotely access devices, network managers can fix problems instantly and efficiently in order to provide higher quality and more effective services to their clients.


This software generally helps improve the overall efficiency of an entire network, and it can even improve the efficiency of individual devices within a network as well. Network managers can use tools provided by MSP software to assess the overall efficiency of individual devices and provide recommendations to companies about how they should proceed with their software and hardware upgrades in the future.


Obviously, MSP software can be used in many different ways. If you are a managed service provider, you should certainly look into how this software can improve the quality of the services you provide to all of your clients.

Monday, August 23, 2010

The age of the computer has changed business in many ways, allowing the manager unprecedented span of knowledge and control over all processes relating to his business. This has allowed for the use of data and information on an unprecedented scale. The drawback is that the available data for any business can be unwieldy and it is very possible to drown the manager in information. This is the time to leverage the power of processing to control the computer via systems management software.


Business has long had a need for more information. Management has always sought the answer to such questions as what will sell, when it should be sold, how can we get the product to the consumer quicker, and what inefficiencies are we experiencing. With the advent of the microprocessor, the old adage of be careful what you wish for may be an important consideration. We can now measure so many things and compile so much data that the manufacturing process becomes hard to recognize.


The manager is now faced with so much information about every topic that discerning the valuable information from background noise data is seriously problematic. Hiring decisions used to be made following an interview, with questions and answers and the unquantifiable interpersonal ques an interview provides. Today a successful candidate of yore may be electronically eliminated by an insignificant criterion before an interview is even conducted.


While the data is important and even critical to a competitive organization, the methodology for gleaning information does impact the final data. Once all this data has been collected, the manager must make sense of it and put it to use in a practical way, a difficult endeavor made more complex by not having a good handle on the parameters under which it was collected. This is further complicated by the issue of time, just how much should be spent on the analysis of data?


The reason information systems became such an integral part of business is their ability to enhance the decision making process. When the use of the system becomes so cumbersome and time consuming that it cuts into the time a manager has to explore data and make operational decisions, it has stopped enhancing the business. The complexity of our tools is rapidly becoming more problematic than running a business without them. While there is certainly reason to expend energy training management on new tools and software, it should not continue to erode their time on a day to day basis.


It is the essence of management to see the bigger picture, to make the decisions that will not only allow for the day to day business to get done, but to have a solid feel for what needs to be done to stay in business tomorrow. These two aspects of leadership conflict with a critical element of the reality of management, balancing time requirements. To that end, information systems were initiated to allow the manager greater access to information more quickly. While this has been a success, the data has become increasingly complex, and more and more time is eaten up processing it.


All leaders intrinsically want to have a feel for what their company is doing. There is no scarier feeling than being responsible for something and not having the first hand knowledge of what is being done to make it happen. This does not mean that the CEO of a company needs to know the name, start time destination and cargo of every truck carrying product within his company, that is what the management hierarchy is about. Unfortunately, the nature of man is to be curious, and if the data is available it is difficult not to get captured in the mountains of minutia.


So while it is important that someone is aware of the collection and interpretation of all the detailed information a company has, there has to be a way to develop that raw data into useful knowledge for each level of management. This is the crux of systems management software, manipulating data collected by software systems to develop actionable information for leadership to run the business efficiently and profitably.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Cost-effective Network Management: Benefits Of Getting It

Information Technology could be called the precursor to business automation. The automation extended outwards and included other linked sphere of operations related to the central business venture. Synchronisation of these disparate operations in order to be able to achieve one singular end result gave rise to networks. Managing these networks was a costly affair. In order to ensure profit margins Cost-effective network management systems became an object in demand. A network comprises of individual objects, both hardware component and the application or software component. The plethora of objects that make up a network is to be experienced to be believed. A network administrator's job is never a post of envy but one that poses the administrator with problems uncanny. When called upon with a problem being experienced by a customer at some remote location the first necessity that the network manager requires is the visual picture of the complete network. Given the ever changing scenario of any business house which goes with the current volatile market factors, the individual networks that run the business house proceedings are equally altering. A pencil drawn map of the network one day would never match the same drawn on a subsequent day. A tool that would continuously check the network and be able to report the current status of the network along with its breakdown components becomes mandatory for a network manager for his or her functioning. The network manager also uses this tool to manage the components from the remote location.. One such class of software which provides the various programs that are running across a network as well as the networks hierarchical view is called Managed Services Provider programs (MSP). There are some MSP which do not need any user intervention and called fully automated MSP and there are others which need human intervention at each step. There are MSP which are a mix of these two also. The Network manager's availability and capability would decide which MSP be best suited for a client. Maintaining an individual network administrator at each location and they trying to work out the problem and solution of the network when it occurs would be a costly issue. The software in comparison would be a much lower priced object. No further explanation is required for the cost savings accrued. How well and detailed does the MSP software report the network statistics and status and how wide and deep can the software report decide the power and strength of the software.

However there are various other factors and features that each individual company would indicate in their product manifesto. Features like ease of deploying the MSP software itself across the entire network. The demand for system resources that the software be inherent with. Cost-effective Network management is the key in today's 'e' prefixed business and market which has the factor of profit as one of its prime consideration. The role of Managed Service Provider in bringing down expenditure for managing the networks and its components has been prominent with time and therefore proven to be the most cost-effective tool to manage networks of a business house.